still going around the track.
It's therapy for us both. We get our endorphins in action, talk about our families, our jobs, our frustrations, our joys, and we try to cheer up the other one when they need it. Bobbi has done that for me many times.
Just last week, she told me about the "Fly Lady" who helps you get your home organized. She's from Alabama and so as Bobbi told me about her website and her videos, she did it with a southern accent that made me laugh and really cheered me up on a day I was discouraged and stressed.
We've been scared by birds, dogs, creepy guys that walk on the track or sit on the bleachers, cars that drive by slowly, the Taylor maintenance man (who we think is lazy and sleeps in his vehicle instead of working), and shadows. We've screamed then laughed until we almost pee our pants.
Last Wednesday was a funny/not so funny walking day because I took one of those "falls" that just shouldn't happen when you get our age. I'd tell you about it, but Bobbi already did on her blog and it's priceless. Here's the link. I laughed again so hard when I read it that my ribs started hurting again.
I scraped my knee and have really sore ribs that hurt when I move and breathe. It got even worse on Saturday morning. I had such a sharp pain in my chest I thought I was having a heart attack or something. I drove myself to the hospital. After EKG and x-rays I was sent home with a diagnosis of costochondritis. Doctor said that pain usually gets worse 3-5 days after a fall and that it will take 4 weeks or so to get back to normal. Why? Because the inflammation has trouble subsiding because every time I breathe it gets irritated again. Aaah....life is wonderful!
I just read Bobby's blog and I'm sorry for laughing too. I am really sorry about your ribs== not fun. Love you.
Okay, not fair! you made me laugh even harder!! Question is.... who's in the wheelchair! Grow old with me... the best is yet to be dear friend!!
So I just read Bobbi's blog and laughed out loud here by myself. Sorry to laugh at your expense, Candice, but you are so good at laughing at yourself, we just laugh with you! Glad you are alright, and no lasting damage. I'm jealous you've had a friend to walk and talk with for 20 years. That's amazing!
i hope you are feeling better! Great friends are few and far between I find...sounds like Bobb is a keeper! I luv that FLY LADY too! sorry we missed you guys when we were in AZ in jan! *cami
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