Thursday, July 15, 2010

4th of July

I've always love the 4th of July since I was just a young kid. Maybe because my birthday was just two days later, I'm not sure, but I love the holiday and the patriotism that surrounds it. Even when I was a little girl, I remember going to the 4th of July celebrations in Moreland, Idaho. I remember listening to stories of patriots who did wonderful things for our country, feeling my heart swelling, and tears coming to my eyes. Then we'd have pancake breakfast --fireworks at night --with lots of activities at the park in between. Great times!

I also loved the years that the STARS dance team performed on the 4th of July at MCC stadium and then two years we performed with the Osmonds at ASU on the 4th. I loved creating and teaching dances to be performed to patriotic music and watching the girls perform. I don't miss the early morning rehearsals in the heat, but I miss that patriotic performing. And here's a video of 1989 "finale" using the Body Flags. Wow, how time flies!

This year we cooked burgers and went swimming at Kyles' house. I tried my hand at decorating Stars & Stripes cupcakes. I used my sister, Marva Lu's banana cake recipe and uh....they were yummy!!! I used the Wilton Cream Cheese frosting and it was yummy too!

Marva Lu Kesler's Banana Cake
2 1/4 Cup flour
1 2/3 cup sugar
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
2/3 Cup oil
2/3 C milk (soured with 1 tsp lemon juice)
3 eggs
1 1/4 Cup mashed bananas

Mix ingredients together, bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
Cream cheese frosting to top it off!

Fox and Max - cuties!

With all the hub bub about Arizona and the SB 1070, people wanting to boycott Arizona, ya da ya da.....blah blah blah.....I finally found my 4th of July t-shirt for this year. Just so everyone knows, I'm super proud of Arizona right now - Jan Brewer is a rock star - and I hope we beat the Federal government in the law suit.
And my husband has been working so hard to make our yard look nice, and here's a great pic of our house on the 4th of July.

Happy birthday America!


Bonnie and Kirk said...

Oh my gosh! The grass is beautiful!

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

house looks fab! i luv the sewing are such a fun mom/mom in law! i luv that recipe of marva lu's, i use it for banana bread too :)
ps I LUV AZ too.