Sunday, January 17, 2010

Remember Gumdrop Christmas Cake?

During December I started thinking about my mom. Every year during the holidays she would have a baking spree, making her favorite items to share with neighbors (the few we had, since we lived waaaaaaay out on the desert) and friends. Every year she made gumdrop cake. Really it was a bread, sort of her version of a fruit cake. My job was to cut the large gumdrops into bite size pieces.

You know, as a child I never really liked that bread. I started thinking, "Why did she make that bread every single Christmastime?" So I decided to find the recipe and make it for "old times sake" and just see what I think about it now.

So here's the recipe out of the Moreland 3rd Ward Cookbook

The gum drops.....

Mixing it up....see the marchino cherries, dates, raisins, nuts....way more stuff than I had remembered....

Ready for the oven....

And what did I think? Well, I liked it. I actually DON"T think it will be a regular recipe to be made each December on my baking day, but it was a fun remembrance of my mom and Christmas traditions of my childhood. Besides that, it fit with our "Recycled Christmas" theme. Something OLD, that you RE-Make. Sure love ya, mom. You were a great mom!


With Love, Bobbi said...

It was awesome. Thanks for sharing with me and thanks for sharing the memories!

Calli O. said...

It is the most carbolicious bread ever!!! I actually liked it too, minus the gumdrops...

Shelli said...

Okay, that was so weird seeing the concoction before and after it was baked. Ewww. I remember that so vividly! I never did like the bread--still can't figure out why she baked it every year either. I think it's funny that she was still baking it by the time I came along. But what fun that you tried it out again! And I agree. She was a great mom.